LauraLynn Acknowledges Carers Week 2024

Published: 07 Jun 2024

Carers Week 2024 runs from the 10th – 16th June 2024. 


LauraLynn acknowledges Carers Week 2024

During this important week LauraLynn would like to acknowledge the parents, guardians and carers whom we support. 

Caring for a child with palliative care around the clock can be exhausting for families.  

LauraLynn Dad, Wayne commented: 
‘’As things get harder, you realise you can’t do it on your own. You do need this help and that’s why LauraLynn is very important, not just for our family but for every other family that’s linked with the service, it’s very, very important. ‘’  

A survey, carried out by LauraLynn in April 2024, unveiled the huge impact that caring for a child with palliative care needs has on a family. Of those surveyed, 70% of respondents said that they or their partner are required to care through the night for their child with over 32% stating that they are caring 24-hours a day, 7 days a week.  

LauraLynn offers vital supports to families who are often caring 24-Hours a day for their child. Supports include breaks for the whole family in the Hospice, sibling supports such as music or play therapy, counselling and care within the family home if needed.