Fundraising FAQs

Send a cheque or bank draft to LauraLynn Children’s Hospice, Leopardstown Road, Foxrock, Dublin 18 made payable to LauraLynn (CSH Trust). Include your address so we can confirm your donation.

Or you can donate on our website or lodge directly to our bank account. (IBAN No: IE86 AIBK 9335 7003 2206 23 and Swift/Bic No: AIBKIE2D). Please send us an email to confirm your name and what event you fundraised for us. We will send you an acknowledgement that the transfer of funds was successful.

Please do not use Go Fund Me as a method of raising funds online. Funds raised through Go Fund Me go to your account, not to the charity directly. In that case, you would need to transfer funds to the charity after the event is complete. LauraLynn would ask all supporters to use online fundraising pages such as Just GivingiDonate or Facebook and the funds will go straight to LauraLynn. It’s very easy for you and us. Thank you for your support.

We ask that you allow 7-10 working days after your donation to receive your receipt. If you have fundraised online via an online website such as EverydayHero, Just Giving or Facebook, please allow 7-10 working days after your fundraising page has officially closed.

All donations received will help us to fund our care services for children with life-limiting conditions and their families. A core value underpinning the work of LauraLynn is our commitment to you as our supporter to be transparent and accountable for the funds you have so generously donated.

Send a cheque or bank draft to LauraLynn Children’s Hospice, Leopardstown Road, Foxrock, Dublin 18 made payable to LauraLynn Children’s Hospice. Include your address so we can confirm your donation.

Or you can donate online and leave a message or lodge directly to our bank account. (IBAN No: IE86 AIBK 9335 7003 2206 23 and Swift/Bic No: AIBKIE2D). Please send us an email to confirm your name and what event you fundraised for us. We will send you an acknowledgement that the transfer of funds was successful.

Please include a note telling us who it is in memory of with their family’s contact details. We can then send a note letting them know you have donated.

Please see our In Memory Giving section or contact

Contact the team directly – we’d love to hear from you!  You can contact Cathy at or 01 2893151.

You will need to abide by all applicable legislation and apply for any permits/permission that may be required. If you are collecting or selling raffle tickets in a public area such as on-street or in a department store you will need to contact the local Garda station to apply for a collection permit. If applicable you may need to contact management for permission also. Copies of any permits should be sent to the LauraLynn Office.

Organisers are advised to ensure they have the relevant insurance and indemnity considered necessary for their event. Unfortunately, our insurance policy does not cover events conducted by external fundraisers. A copy of your event insurance policy should be sent to the Fundraising team.

We appreciate all the support we receive from organisations and the greater community. To help you organise your event, LauraLynn, Ireland’s Children’s Hospice have put together a list of points that should be adhered to, to protect all participating parties. Please see our Terms and Conditions here

No, unfortunately we cannot offer this service.

As you can appreciate, the children here are very ill and for a number of reasons, including infection control, it is not possible for you to visit and meet them.

We are very grateful for all offers of donations that we receive. If you would like to make a donation of goods to LauraLynn, we would ask that you contact the relevant department representative in relation to this.

Children Play Therapy & Equipment

  • New Toys and Games – CE and age appropriate
  • New Arts & Crafts Material/Art Supplies – CE and age appropriate
  • Books in good condition – age appropriate
  • DVDs, music & computer games – age appropriate
  • Sensory equipment (i.e. switch activation toys, UV products, vibration toys/mats, lighting, weighted blankets, tactile toys/brushes)
  • Equipment – Special Needs etc.

Contact Clinical Team:

Education & Research

  • Current Medical Journals & Papers
  • Medical Books
  • Educational DVDs’s
  • Teaching packs (paper, folders, pens)
  • Stationary


Hospice Equipment & Materials

  • New electrical appliances,TV’s, etc. (in original box & warranty)
  • New electronic appliances (in original box & warranty), IPADS, Laptops etc.
  • New medical equipment (subject to agreement with Director of Nursing)
  • Adult-Sized Nappies in original sealed wrappers
  • New bed linen (for single beds and cots – no fitted sheets), New blankets, towels.



  • Raffle Prizes – eg. Crystal, Chocolates, Perfumes etc
  • Tickets for Events
  • Vouchers



As LauraLynn children are often seriously ill and highly prone to infection, many toys, equipment and materials are not possible for us to use. We really appreciate your support but, in some cases, we may not have the necessary storage or need for certain goods.

Gift vouchers allow for greater flexibility in selecting toys and gifts that are accessible to our children. We keep a record of all gift donations and what they were used for. Suitable vouchers include:

  • Toy shops
  • Gaming shops
  • Art suppliers
  • Sensory toy suppliers

All donations are subject to prior agreement with the relevant department representatives.

If you have a query about the suitability a donation, please contact our Fundraising team on or 01 289 3151.

We regret that there are certain items which are not suitable for donation, we unfortunately cannot accept the following:

  • Clothes
  • Food (with short expiry date)
  • Dolls Houses or Cuddly Toys
  • Jigsaws or Lego