LauraLynn and COVID-19

Published: 06 Mar 2020

LauraLynn Children’s Hospice is actively taking all precautionary steps to minimise the risk of infection with COVID-19.

The management team of LauraLynn Children’s Hospice is taking all precautionary steps to minimise the risk of infection with Coronavirus (COVID-19) for service users, staff, volunteers and visitors to our hospice and disability services. Our service users represent a potentially vulnerable group.

As a result, from Wednesday March 11th, LauraLynn is restricting visitors to its children’s hospice and disability services to immediate family members only. No children are permitted to visit LauraLynn at this time.

LauraLynn is monitoring government advice and guidelines on a daily basis and using them when determining next steps. Links to official information sources are included at the end of this page.

Whilst the risk to individuals currently remains low, we take the wellbeing of those using or working in LauraLynn seriously and appreciate your support in following the guidance below. 

Guidance on attending or visiting our hospice or disability services:

Based on current government guidance we have decided the following apply to those attending or visiting the hospice or disability services for any reason:

  1. Immediate family members ONLY are permitted to visit our children’s hospice and disability services. No children are permitted to visit. If in doubt, contact the nurse on duty of our hospice or disability service for advice (Telephone: 01-2893151).
  2. Those intending to visit/attend LauraLynn that are experiencing symptoms of respiratory illness should not visit LauraLynn. If in doubt they should contact the nurse on duty of our hospice or disability service for advice (Telephone: 01-2893151).
  3. Those who have travelled to affected areas - currently - China, Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea, Iran, Japan, Italy, Spain and are suffering from shortness of breath, cough or a fever should self-isolate and contact their GP/Emergency Services. They should not visit our hospice or disability services during this time.
  4. For anyone who has visited these areas within the last 14 days but is not showing symptoms we would ask that they consider carefully whether they need to visit the hospice. The safest option is for them to stay away to ensure that they are free of symptoms for 14 days. If in doubt they should contact the nurse on duty of our hospice or disability service for advice (Telephone: 01-2893151).
  5. Anyone who has had close contact with a confirmed case of Coronavirus (COVID-19) should self-isolate themselves from others and contact their GP. They should not attend the hospice or disability services.
  6. Anyone who has had close contact with a suspected case of Coronavirus (COVID-19) who is currently awaiting the results of a medical test should also self-isolate until the results are known. If confirmed they should follow point four above.
  7. If anyone is concerned about exposure to infection in any other circumstance, they should follow government advice and isolate and contact their GP, if necessary, before visiting/attending LauraLynn. Alternatively, they should contact the nurse on duty of our hospice or disability service for advice (Telephone: 01-2893151).
  8. If you are in an at-risk group take extra care to protect yourself from coronavirus. The HSE recommend people in the at-risk category avoid close contact with people outside the home. So if you are in this category please consider if your visit to LauraLynn is necessary.

PLEASE NOTE: The guidance above is reviewed daily in line with government guidance and is therefore subject to change, and updates will be posted on this page.

Further information:


Health Surveillance Protection Centre

Department of Health

European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC)

Dept. Foreign Affairs