To celebrate our Halloween Parade this year, we invited the Ghostbusters Car to attend as Parade Marshals. Children, their families, our staff and volunteers took part in the parade, and everyone got dressed up for the spooky event.
Amongst the costumes we had some of this year’s big shows and movies like Wednesday Adams and Barbie. We also had some fan favourites with Buzz Lightyear, Disney princesses and Spongebob Squarepants. Everyone went all out for the event, and it was a great sight to see as the parade took place around the grounds of LauraLynn.

Technological University Dublin once again brought their imagination and flare to create accessible costumes for some of the children who avail of LauraLynn’s care.
This collaborative process with TUD has led to some tremendously creative finished looks and we have been so lucky to have their support for three years. No matter a child's level of mobility, LauraLynn’s aim is that children and families are inspired and feel included by these amazing and creative wheelchair costumes.

Alongside our Parade Marshal, The Ghostbuster Car, we were joined by local Gardaí who came along with two of their vehicles, providing extra excitement. Delicious coffee and hot chocolate were kindly supplied to the fantastically dressed up crowd by our very good friends at ‘Brother Bean’.
LauraLynn would like to say a heartfelt thank you to everyone who made it such a fun-filled event and a special thank you to the Ghostbusters Car for bringing some extra magic to this year’s parade.