LauraLynn is Ireland's only Children's Hospice, providing hospice, palliative care and support for children with life-limiting conditions and their families from all across Ireland.
LauraLynn’s holistic approach to care ensures they support the whole family, enabling patients to be children and parents to have time to be Mums and Dads rather than full-time carers. All LauraLynn services are provided free to families.
Ruth Rowan Special Gifts Manager at LauraLynn commented “Making your Will is one of the most personal and inspiring decisions you will ever make. It’s a reflection of your life and values; the people that matter to you and what you want to live on for future generations. Remembering LauraLynn with a gift of any size is a wonderful way for you to care for children with life-limiting conditions beyond your lifetime.
Your caring nature, your deep love for children, and your compassion for families who are going through the toughest journey of their lives. These are the qualities I believe all those that support LauraLynn share. By including LauraLynn in your Will, you are ensuring that these qualities are never forgotten, even after you have gone.”
If you would like to find out more and talk with someone in confidence about a gift in your Will please call Ruth Rowan, Special Gifts Manager at LauraLynn on 01 2893151 or email rrowan@lauralynn.ie
For more information see https://www.lauralynn.ie/how-to-help/gift-in-will