Research Ethics Committee

LauraLynn is committed to building research capability through innovation and collaboration nationally and internationally.

All research activity at LauraLynn is approved by the Research Ethics Committee (REC) prior to its commencement.


LauraLynn REC meeting dates 2024

Submission deadline - 12th February 2024 

REC meetings - 4th March 2024


Submission deadline - 20th May 2024

REC meetings -10th June 2024


Submission deadline -19th August 2024

REC meetings - 9th September 2024


Submission deadline -18th November 2024

REC meetings - 9th December 2024


LauraLynn REC Membership

  • Patricia Lawler, Scope Clinical Research Ltd., Chairperson and Member of the LauraLynn Board of Directors
  • Dr Nicola Barry, Principal Psychologist, St. Michael's House
  • Dr Mrunal Koptkunde, CTMA - Clinical Trial Management Associate
  • Dr Paula Lane PhD, Lecturer, Health Sciences, Nursing, Waterford Institute of Technology
  • Niamh McEnerney, Practice Development Coordinator, LauraLynn, Ireland’s Children’s Hospice
  • Dr Niall McGuinness PhD, Managing Director, Independent Data Management Ltd., Cork
  • Dr Fergus Ryan PhD, Lecturer, Biological and Health Sciences, TU Dublin
  • Fiona Woods, Head of Clinical Education LauraLynn, Ireland’s Children’s Hospicehildren’s Hospice
  • Bernie Chapman, Quality, Risk and Safety Manager, LauraLynn Ireland's Children's Hospice

For any queries or further information relating to the LauraLynn REC application process, please fill out the below form: